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A New 30-μm Needle for Lymphatic Supermicrosurgery


Intraoperative Real-Time Visualization of the Lymphatic Vessels Using Microscope-Integrated Laser Tomography


Edemas of the face and lymphoscintigraphic examination


Bedside 3D Visualization of Lymphatic Vessels with a Handheld Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography Device.

Successful treatment of breast cancer-related breast lymphedema by lymphovenous anastomosis in a male patient.

An L-shaped retractor for lympho-venous anastomosis

Priority Claim: First Lymphovenous Anastomosis Performed for Breast Lymphedema in 2016 and 2017.

The application of virtual reality for preoperative planning of lympho-venous anastomosis in a patient with a complex lymphatic malformation

Lymphatic supermicrosurgery for the treatment of recurrent lymphocele and severe lymphorrhea

Ultra high-frequency ultrasonographic imaging with 70 MHz scanner for visualisation of the lymphatic vessels

Intraoperative imaging of lymphatic vessels using ultra high-frequency ultrasound


Treatment of breast lymphedema by LVA


Splice-site mutations in VEGFC cause loss of function and Nonne-Milroy-like primary lymphedema

Treatment of breast lymphedema after axillary LNT

Outcome of lymphedema after microsurgical treatment


Microsurgical venous-branch-plasty

Lymphatic vessel grafting

A new dynamic imaging tool


Dokter Giacalone voert de heelkundige ingrepen uit in het AZ Sint-Maarten te Mechelen

Het AZ Sint-Maarten is lid van het European Reference Network voor Zeldzame Multisystemische Vaat Aandoeningen (VASCERN), meer bepaald lid van de Werkgroep Primair en Pediatrisch Lymfoedeem.



Lympho-venous anastomosis and lymphatic vessel grafting

Video: Lympho-Venous Anastomosis


Het Belang van Limburg: Techniek voor betere behandeling lymfoedeem

Het Laatste Nieuws: Innovatieve onderzoeksmethode

Gazet van Antwerpen: Nieuwe ondezoeksmethode

Het Laatste Nieuws: Primeur behandeling borstlymfoedeem

Check-up: supra-microchirurgie

Getuigenis van patiënte in Lymfologica

  • Lympho-Venous Anastomosis
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